CRank: 5Score: 24690

I really doubt Dead Rising is going to replace a classic like RE. Sure RE 5 sucks with its dumb-as-a-bucket-of-rocks AI partner (unless you find sumone decent enough to play with you) and its crappy so called "horror" story which makes it seem more like sum crappy straight to video action movie with no actual horror involved (like a Uwe Boll movie).

Dead Rising is too ridiculous to replace RE. I think people are just holding out faith that RE will return to its sur...

5041d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its too bad Crapcom hates Vergil. They gave Yamato to Nero >_< God i hate DMC 4 so much probably more so then DMC 2 (even DMC 2 is starting to look better then DMC 4 by the minute). They should probably retcon DMC 4 and say Dante was having a bad dream while he was drunk or sumthing.

5042d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget stupid Quick Time Events, gratuitous T&A (though DMC 4 did that already with Gloria/Trish and Lady) and subpar gameplay.

Multiplayer/Co-op i wouldn't like in DMC. Imagine if you have a sucky player as your partner...they'd just hold you back. I could only imagine how awful Bloody Palace will be. I just don't get why people want multiplayer in DMC. Dante is suppose to be a one man army, a recking force. He doesn't need anyone's help. ...

5042d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I rather Bayonetta 2 then this to make up for PS3 Bayo's mess. I'm not into Third Person Shooter games, that's just me tho.

But i'm glad they've adapted to the PS3 hardware...which they should've done in the first place with the Bayonetta debacle.

5042d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

They better reveal DMC 5 damnit! >_< Its almost going to be 3 yrs in February that there's no announcement of any DMC game. And these rumors with Ninja Theory have to lead to sumthing. Capcom just reveal the damn thing already!

5042d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kudos to the fan. This looks fantastic. If only Sega had this much passion for the Sonic games.

5049d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting. I really like the symbols then the old alphabetical buttons (and i'm glad he spaz out on upper management about NOT making it look like the SNES controller).

Though the person who said the Xbox 360 controller is more confortable is an idiot. That damn controller is too damn bulky, the D-pad sucks, i hate the position of the analog stick and the buttons aren't that great. Then again it all comes down to personal preference.

PS Controller...

5049d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good thing they learned there lesson from the Bayonetta fiasco. Too bad i only own a PS3 and couldn't really see the game in its full potential (talking about Bayo of course). Hopefully Bayo 2 (or more hopefully Jeanne's game *wishes*) won't have crappy framerate.

5049d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sucks that his attacks can't be canceled. The rain effects looked fantastic though. But canceling of attacks...UGH!

Oh and this footage is old as dirt.

5049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL! You got that quote from that horrible Tekken anime. Though right now the Tekken anime is looking better then the horrible Tekken live action movie.

5065d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yoshimitsu is too big boned and in the end he's working kinda for Kazuya when he tries to kill Jin (even tho In Game Yoshi is a Robin Hood character who does good and helps people). Out of all the characters they included they picked a space ninja to fill in the slot. Jeez, Hwoarang would've been better but then again i'm glad he's not in this movie cause they would've messed him up to.

Jack robots are called "JackHammers" and they wear Kendo mas...

5065d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Jin is a horny teenager in this movie even though in the game he's far from it. And he's not using karate and he speaks in a british accent even though In Game Jin was born and raised in Japan.

Christie doesn't look Brazilian at all and is neither olived skinned nor anything like In-game Christie (In game Christie is an airhead and she's mostly associated with Eddy Gordo. And Movie Christie is a whore with stupid buttcrack pants). I have no idea why they pick...

5065d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well said! I agree with everything you just said. Its too bad that gamers still always hope there's DLC and all this crap. They don't realize, by asking for DLC they're ruining the game industry and that's why Publishers take strategies like what Capcom is doing now.

Its just sad. If it continues like this i'll probably find another hobby that doesn't nickle and dime me everytime i want a new experience or want to unlock a costume or character.

5067d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand sumwhat where you're coming from Rikitatsu. But at the same time you gotta give Capcom a chance to prove themselves with the game.

Okami should get more publicity. Its a very underrated game.

I think you're a bit biased on everything that PG once worked on long ago when they were Clover. Its time to move on.

5067d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The story is abysmal in this movie. It makes Jin become like a typical teenage boy shagging girls from left to right when in the game he has no interest to be in a relationship cause of his Devil Gene (that's why he's not shagging Ling Xiaoyu).

The actor who plays Jin has a very noticable English accent even though Jin was raised in Japan with Jun.

Heihachi and Kazuya kinda get along (that would never happen) and Kazuya is a ladies man (though i woul...

5067d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually its not a comic book, its a novel that's only available in Japan. And yea DMC needs a good story just like DMC 3 had. And its not 100% confirmed if Nero is Vergil's son. Its only implied, which is a huge difference.

I would like it if Nero wasn't in the game, but i doubt it since he was just introduced.

I really wish it was a Vergil spin-off game, since Dante is getting a bit stale and he really has no good story anymore for himself since...

5069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with playing female leads...IF they're not hypersexualize for the sake of male fanservice and if they're not annoying. But since the majority of female video game characters who are lead tend to be hypsersexualize i tend not to bother with them. But then again i hate Bayonetta the character but love Bayonetta the gameplay so its kinda iffy there.

5069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pretty much agree with everything here. Good list.

5069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh so you're saying its Rihanna's fault Chris beat her then?

If so, you're whats wrong with America then.

5069d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I fourth that!

5077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment